SCP - Containment Breach Wiki

Disclaimer: This is a complete rewrite of the original fan made story of SCP Containment Breach / The SCP Foundation; created by me. For more information, please visit part 1 to get caught up. Thank you.


Original Post


Part 1

Part 1.5

Part 2

Part 2.5

Part 3



2019: A Breakthrough Discovery


7 years later, the foundation grew into a massive organization that kept to it's goals and had now become international. Needless to say that a lot more had changed with it since the 2012 containment breach.

Anomalies 2020 RE

SCP: 2020 (Credit to TheVolgun & SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation on YouTube)

Recently, the foundation created a mechanical suit called an Absolute Exclusion Harness, capable of bypassing any and all anomalous affects from different anomalies and/or phenomena when worn. The suit was designed to provide its host with protective benefits, as well as file storage. This was for a research investigation called Project Pneuma.

The Suit

Absolute Exclusion Harness (SCP-5000) (Credit to u/Icemarv14 on reddit)

Project Pneuma was a mass-amnesticization project focused on the collective unconsciousness of the human race that began earlier in the year after recent testing with SCP-682. The research staff decided to investigate humanity's flaws and collectiveness to find answers to 682's, as well as other anomalies with similar interests to their constant threats of "humanity's doom."

During their investigation, they made a horrifying discovery. The staff discovered an entity embedded within the human psychosphere that, from there, controlled everything and everyone on the planet to their unknowingness. This entity was discovered to hold power over everything in existence. The use of it's power was to control space, time and reality. This meant that what the staff had discovered was the result of everything that had led up to this point in time. It wasn't a god, a deity, an alien race or anomalous influential phenomena. It wasn't even an anomaly at all. From what they had found, it was the worst thing ever imaginable. was the personified embodiment of the creators of the SCP Foundation. From the start, their existence was created to entertain and inspire people outside the universe beyond comprehension. They were responsible for everything leading up to this moment; the anomalies, the organizations, the threats that were posed to the world and the foundation itself.

It was then that the staff had discovered life was meaningless, and since the beginning of time and creation they had been living a lie. Their commitment to protecting the world from darkness, the goals they once stood for, all of it. They finally understood what the rest of the anomalies were trying to convey after so long. Humanity was created this way. The entity created the world in it's shape, and there was no evidence to prove it, nor was there anything they could do against it. It was there. It was since the beginning, and it always had been.

Hesitant at first, they sent their findings to O5-1, who, after coming to the same understanding, marked the project of special interest.The next day, he and Tejani; the head of the Ethics Committee, discussed on what to do regarding project pneuma. The ethics committee was a political body in the foundation that offered assistance in addressing ethical issues that arise in foundation projects, procedures and anything else in between.


O5-1 & Tenjai (Credit to SCP Illustrated on YouTube)

O5-1 came to the conclusion that they needed to "disseminate a cure" among the personnel to release themselves from the entity's grasp, otherwise it would've prevented them from doing so. Tejani reluctantly agrees, with the rest of the council and ethics committee alongside the proposal. What they had learned resulted in genocide. The next few days the foundation set to work; releasing information and instructions to all personnel and staff on preparing for what was now known as "Operation PNUEMA."

Staff either committed suicide or resigned afterwards, with Dr. Charles Gears being one of the many personnel who resigned from the foundation.

Charles Gears

Dr. Gears

2 days later, the information and materials was released to all remaining foundation staff, where all the resigns and suicides stopped. The PNEUMA staff had manufactured all amnestic material to all remaining personnel to use. On Christmas Day, communications ceased on all foundation sites except for all the exclusionary sites. During all of this, the exclusion sites had been protected from the amnestic treatment and were not informed of all the activity circulating the past few days.

The Foundation ordered all humanoid and human-sympathetic anomalies to be terminated by remaining staff. They wanted nothing to interfere by any means necessary. Even if they had to put them out of their misery to do it.

Operation PNUEMA RE

Operation PNUEMA (Credit to SCP Illustrated and SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation)


2020: The End of The World


Finally, on February 1st, 2020, the foundation officially begins war on humanity. MTF units were dispatched to all exclusionary sites and terminate all personnel, leaving no stone unturned. After that, the end of the world begins.

MTF Kill spree

MTF killing all personnel in Exclusionary Site-6 (Credit to SCP Illustrated on YouTube)

MTF Zeta-9: "Lonely Only," accessed Exclusionary Site-6, gathered everyone in the cafeteria only to be gunned down by them shortly after. A power grid technician; Pietro Wilson, escapes the gunfire and finds the harness. Scared, confused and not wanting to die, he equips the harness to discover himself to be undetected by the MTF unit.

With the energy he had, he wasted no time getting out of there and away from foundation grounds. Whatever this suit was, it was helping him survive. He had no idea what just happened. He saw friends, colleagues, acquaintances being shot by MTF units. At first he thought it was an inside chaos insurgency operative unit, but the more he dug into what was going on, he soon found out this wasn't the case.


Consensus via O5 Council

As he continued on, seeing the world destroyed by the organization that now abandoned everything it once stood for, Pietro kept his findings in a journal kept within the harness' file storage.

Harness Helmet

Inside the Harness (Credit to megatron17 on deviantArt & SCP Illustrated on YouTube)

He saw cities and towns being destroyed, groups of interest collapsing under the foundation's efforts, and worst of all, the multiple SCP's that they had utilized in eradicating humanity. It was a horrifying site.


Anomalies released into the world (Credit to SCP Illustrated on YouTube)

Numerous SCP's had either been terminated by the foundation, or were put to use with their new goal. People were dying, anomalies were being used against the world, and Pietro had a front row seat to it all. It wasn't until he hallucinated voices telling him to find SCP-579; one of the lesser known keter-class anomalies at the foundation. He didn't understand why he felt the need to endure, but he did. He began his journey to Site-19, witnessing what else was happening in the world. Or whatever was left of it anyway.


Journey to Site-19 (Credit to SCP Illustrated on YouTube)

Concluded in Part 3...
